Diamond clarity

Diamond clarity is defined as the relative absence of internal inclusions within a diamond and external marks on the surface of a diamond called blemishes.

The Gemological Association of America (GIA) have defined 11 clarity grades which are defined below. Note that the grades are based on trained diamond graders using 10X magnification and proper lighting:

Clarity GradeDescription
FLFlawlessShows no inclusions or blemishes
IFInternally flawlessShows no inclusions and only insignificant blemishes
VVS1 & VVS2Very, very sligtly includedContains minute inclusions that are very difficult to see
VS1 & VS2Very slightly includedContains minor inclusions ranging from difficult to somewhat difficult to see
SI1 & SI2Slightly includedContains inclusions that are easy to see (SI1) or very easy to see (SI2). SI2 graded diamonds may contain inclusions that can be seen with the naked eye
I1, I2 & I3ImperfectContains obvious inclusions under 10x magnification which can often be seen easily face-up with the naked eye

The fewer, smaller and less noticeable the inclusions and blemishes, the better the clarity and the higher the price of the stone.

There are a number of different types of inclusions and surface blemishes which are described below: