Diamond cut

Diamond cut is the most important of the 4C’s and can significantly affect the quality, brilliance, sparkle, fire and beauty of a diamond.

If a diamond is cut to ideal proportions, its optical properties will be maximised and the diamond will reflect the maximum amount of light back to your eye, making the stone bright and lively and giving it that ‘wow’ factor.

Along with the quality of cut, the style of cut ie the stones shape, is also a price factor, as demand for certain shaped stones fluctuate over time.

Cut is categorised by the following:

Style of cut: indicates the shape (outline) of the diamond combined with the facet distribution

Symmetry: the symmetry of the shape describes how symmetrical the stone appears with respect to certain parameters eg the positions of the table and culet for a round diamond. It is an important factor when considering the quality of the cut.

Proportions: the relationship between the sizes and angles of various facets, sometimes called the measurements of the stone. These stone proportions are critical when considering the amount of light reflected from the stone

Polish: The quality of the finish of a diamond. Good polish is required to show maximum brilliance, sharp scintillation and clear dispersion.

The appearance of a diamond may also be affected by the girdle condition.