What are the 4Cs

Today, the principle factors affecting the commercial value of diamonds are known as the 4Cs:

  • Carat Weight – the actual weight (or more accurately mass) of the stone
  • Color – the grade of color. For most diamonds, the less color, the higher the price. The exception to this rule is fancy. or colored, diamonds
  • Clarity – relative freedom from inclusions
  • Cut – the quality of cut, the cutting style and the stone shape

A diamond can only be valued once grades for each of the above factors have been established.

This method of explaining diamond pricing was developed by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) in the 1950’s and is still the most frequently used pricing system today.

However, there are two additional and equally important factors that could have a significant bearing on the quality and ultimate price you should be paying for a diamond. These additional factors are:

  • Transparency – the degree to which a stone is clear, hazy or cloudy
  • Treatment  status – if a stone has been treated or not, and the type of treatment

Each of these factors is described in detail in the associated sections. You need to ensure that you have a good grasp of these price factors  before you begin your search for the perfect stone for your budget..